Last modified on July 7, 2024, 2:44 p.m.



We are excited to announce the latest update to the Eenos hosting control panel. This new version brings comprehensive support for additional operating systems, including RHEL, CloudLinux, AlmaLinux, and Rocky Linux. Alongside this expanded compatibility, we have implemented several significant features, updates, and bug fixes to enhance your experience.

New Features

  • Eenos Post Update Tool : This release introduces the Eenos Post Update Tool, designed to automate change management during automatic updates, ensuring a smoother and more efficient update process.


  • Enhanced Disk Quota Management : We've improved exception handling in disk quota management, making the system more robust and reliable.
  • Seamless Account Restoration : The restoration process for accounts migrated from other control panels has been significantly improved, ensuring a seamless transition.
  • Updated Software Packages : We've updated several critical packages, including PHP, Apache, Nginx, and OpenLiteSpeed, to their latest versions for improved performance and security.

This update underscores our commitment to providing a versatile and reliable hosting control panel. We appreciate your continued support and look forward to bringing you more updates in the future.



Eenor release version has been updated with the following changes.


  • TLS, minimum protocol on dovecot set to 1.2
  • Update on domain name validation
  • Support to add DMARC TXT record



A new version of the Eenos control panel released today with some updates on service tools.

It has the following updates.


  • Added proc title for service monitoring
  • Added proc title for eenosbfd
  • Added proc title for eenostaskd
  • Added proc name for control panel services



An update of the Eenos control panel is available. The new version contains some minor bug fixes.

Bug fix:

  • [#INTERNAL-8] - Fix on nginx Expire header for static files.


  • Added proxy.ssl validation on varnish vhosts.



An updated version of Eenos is available with the following upgates.


  • The varnish templates have been added for Virtual hosting
  • Support for Varnish templates for WordPress, Magento and Drupal
  • Customize and create per domain-based Varnish vcl configuration



The Eenos version 0.1.7 is available for installation and upgrades. This version has the following bug fixes and updates.

Bug Fix:

  • [#INTERNAL-3] - Fixed - Wap server timezone set fix if /etc/localtime doesn't exist,
  • [#INTERNAL-4] - Fixed Wrong placement for ipv6 in resolver form in wap
  • [#INTERNAL-5] - Fix containers disk quota. Containers usually don't have fstab, so find the filesystem quotas of /
  • [#INTERNAL-6] - Fix on user account change auth


  • SandBox Ruby updated to support Ruby3.3
  • SandBox NodeJs updates
  • Updated CSR generation using Cryptography instead of PyOpenssl due to Python module depreciation.



The Eenos version 0.1.6 release is available for update. It has the following updates or changes.


  • Updated /scripts/setuphp , added condition check for web server existence
  • Update on setuppassenger
  • Update on service monitoring OLS server
  • Update on modsecurity3 installation
  • Update on mod_passenger installation
  • Update on nginx, httpd, varnish installations
  • Added Support for QuicTLS
  • Updated Let't encrypt certbot installer
  • Update ClamAV LTS socket
  • Update on pure-ftp installations
  • Update on Mailman3 setup



This is a review update on Eenos release series. This update includes small fixes on language files and updates on template files.


  • Update on monitoring libs eenos.monitoring.monitorsettings
  • Update on Monitor view, eenos.wap.views.servicerestart
  • Update on eenos.install.dns , added option to use a custom template
  • Fixed some language issues and updated the po files



We made some tweaks and small command line changes. The following package updates or changes have been made.

Package Update:

  • MongoDB version 6.0 will be now the default MongoDB version.


  • Update on /scripts/setupeenosd , added option -i
  • Update on /scripts/setuppgsql , added option -i, -rp
  • Update on /scripts/setupmongodb , added option -i, -rp



This is the second weekly update and bug fix. We got some wonderful suggestions to increase the PHP script security. This release contains the following updates, security updates, and bug fixes.


  • [#INTERNAL-2] - The vhost template inheritance issue has been fixed during the bulk update


  • Add option to Mysql setup utility -i, -rp
  • Added MySQL data directory recreation if the Mysql db is empty. Some Percona servers don't auto-initialize MySQL data dir
  • Enabled fpm as default handler to provide more security

Security Updates:

  • Protection added for php script to prevent reading from outside the user home directory ( FPM)
  • Set default homedir permission to 0711, during account creation time
  • Set user-specific session dir on $HOME/tmp



This is the first bug fix round release of Eenos. The following bugs were fixed in this version.

Bugfix :

  • [#INTERNAL-1] : Exceptions handling during mysql_python install Some servers through exceptions during the installation of MySQL server. Affected Eenos Class/Function: eenos.install.emysql.setup_mysql_python . This bug has been fixed.

Your control panel will be auto-updated if you have the auto-update enabled.



The first public release version of Eenos

Eenos is a modern high-performance hosting control panel. You can host your traditional websites and modern Fintech apps with Eenos. You can deploy your Artificial intelligence, Chatbot, and data analytics web apps on Eenos with one click.

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