Eenos web hosting features
Traditional Web Hosting Control Panel Features
Eenos web hosting control panel has all the features of your traditional web hosting. It is easy to migrate from your old control panels to Eenos. You can easily manage the control panel and the user interfaces are very friendly.
Admin, Reseller and User Control Panel
Eenos is a tire three web hosting control panel. Eenos has interfaces for server administrators, reseller accounts and end users.
High Performance Web Server Collections
Eenos supports Apache, Nginx, and OpenLitespeed web servers with the Varnish Cache frontend server. You can combine the webservers too.
Modern Database Engines for Apps
Eenos supports MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and Percona MySQL database engines. You can enable traditional MySQL and MariaDB servers as remote SQL servers.
Generic Hosting Features
Features for Web Hosting
Exim SMTP server for managing email accounts
Dovecot IMAP / pop3 server with Pigeonhole sieve
Pure-FTPD FTP server for managing files and FTP accounts.
Let's Encrypt for automatic SSL Certificate provisioning.
BIND9 DNS server for DNS record management with easy UI.
Schedule backups and upload to remote storage locations.
Migrate to Eenos
Start Migrating to the Eenos Hosting Platform
Eenos is designed to give a better future for the web hosting industry. You can open an ocean of features in web hosting for your clients. Eenos can beat your traditional old hosting panel.
It is easy to get started with the Eenos control panel. Management of the Eenos server is easy compared to others. Eenos is fully developed in Python programming language and 99% of the code is open.
Eenos has a per-server-based pricing. There are no limitations in either the number of users or websites in the license system. The pricing will never change as long as the license is active.
The research team behind the Eenos web hosting control panel has 25+ years of experience in the industry. We know almost all web hosting control panels and it's internal. We understand how the industry is struggling with monopoly, financial issues, features, etc., So we decided to start a change so that everybody benefits from a new future.